Natural Histories

Landskapsstudie från Barbizon. By Carl Larsson, via Wikimedia Commons. {{PD-US}}

Long-term field research in a single locale has been central to the environmental sciences, including environmental anthropology. From Harold Conklin’s work in Ifugao, Philippines to Aldo Leopold’s research in Sauk County, Wisconsin, sustained acquaintance with a field site opens up to a place-based understanding of ecological process, while teaching researchers to discern both stability and variation in social and natural worlds. At a time when theorizing and concept development has accelerated within anthropology and environmental science writ large, what does the future hold for long-term field research? This thematic series explores the multiple ways in which the “long-term” informs environmental researchers’ questions, data, and conclusions.

This series remains open.

Series Posts:

Fates of Forests in Borneo: A 40-Year Retrospective
by F. E. “Jack” Putz


Read the original call for posts here.