Anthropology and Climate Change: Intersections of Teaching, Interdisciplinarity, and Activism

Naomi Klein
Naomi Klein

The 2015 conversation on the EANTH listserv surrounding Naomi Klein’s book, This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate brought to light important differences regarding how anthropologists engage with and teach the subject of climate change. It raised questions for anthropologists engaged with climate change issues, whether as educators, researchers, or advocates: What roles can anthropologists play in climate change education and activism? How do we educate students about global climate issues in an academically sound and informed manner? Is it possible to teach on climate change and at the same time provide uplifting ethnographic accounts of communities working for positive change? What other lessons can be learned from teaching climate issues and environmental advocacy on a broad scale? This thematic series explores these questions.

Series Posts:

Teaching (and Doing) Climate Change Activism
by Bradley Walters
Loving, Eating, Teaching and Wayfaring in the Anthropocene
by Trevor Durbin
What Has Santa Got to Do with Climate Change?
by Jessica Barnes and Michael Dove
Confessions of a Reluctant Climate Project Collaborator
by Micha Rahder

Read the original call for posts here.